Double Thanksgiving with Goopy

The Goopy Ghost at Thanksgiving
Goopy shows the way to double Thanksgiving kindness. After learning Goopy's holiday secrets, nobody will want to celebrate any other way.
Thanksgiving gatherings with the Goopy Ghost of celebration, playfulness and joy bring smiles to everyone's faces.
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Double Thanksgiving Meals
Thanksgiving celebrates harvests of the past year. It often takes place at more than one location. The weather can be unsettled.
Not to worry. Most Thanksgiving meals are held indoors. You can carry your plate outdoors, if you prefer.
Don't be lonely. Be happy! Goopy will keep you in good company, whether you dine inside or outside!

Double Thanksgiving Spirit
Goopy steps forward to amuse, spark conversation and fill seats.
The Goopy Ghost creates a community of families doing fun things and celebrating with others. Join in the fun.
This often-homeless ghost offers a circus of campfire ghost stories.
Download Thankfulness
Right click on "My Day of Thankfulness" to save it in full size for free. Thankful people feel less loneliness and can deal with problems better.
Goopy strengthens relationships. He shows children a sense of responsibility and thankfulness. Celebrate kindness.

Goop on Fire
The following Goop on Fire video is born of the challenge to keep a town from going up in flames during the dry season. This Grassroots initiative offers a community-based approach to fixing a localized problem.
Because it is managed in collaboration with local actors, Goopy's approach works for any problem in any place. Try it for yourself. Help everyone in your community. (1 minute 24 seconds)